• blindbunny
    3 months ago

    Yeah, that’s a nice definition and all but others aren’t going to interpret it that way.

    I’m not a political or socioeconomic major but I believe if the working class dismantled the owning classes with economic reparations. The structures that oppress the “economic south” (I use that term with a vague understanding of what it means) would follow.

    But I’m also aware that this is a very pie in the sky belief. I apologize if I’m speaking from ignorance.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]@hexbear.net
      3 months ago

      Think it along the lines of someone saying “fuck the police.” They don’t actually want to fuck the police, they want to see the police stripped of power and immunity. Nobody should be having sex with cops. It’s just more fun to say and this is a place where everyone will understand what is really meant.

      Also consider that most of the time when “America” is invoked it’s not on behalf of the people living in its borders. For example, the bipartisan criticism of the war in Gaza that “America” is supporting. The American people’s interests are barely considered by our elites. If anything, saying “death to america” is using the ruling class’ definition of America in that sentence. Consider that when an American bomb blows up a house and the lone survivor blames America they are not blaming a retail clerk in Nebraska or a teacher in Tennessee or a stay at home mom in Oregon.

      Our ruling class and the people they oppress have a shared definition of America and that is the America that needs to die.

      • blindbunny
        3 months ago

        Thanks for making an approachable comment.

        Also consider that most of the time when “America” is invoked it’s not on behalf of the people living in its borders. For example, the bipartisan criticism of the war in Gaza that “America” is supporting. The American people’s interests are barely considered by our elites.

        If I may, dismantling this structure would also be liberating our neighbors to the north, south and the greater economic south. Do I understand that correctly?

        If so getting people to recognize class consciousness would be a step forward to getting there.

        • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]@hexbear.net
          3 months ago

          Yes, nationalism is a negative force. International working class solidarity is the greatest threat to the ruling class. Capitalism is a global force with global influence and power. It will require an international movement to combat and defeat it.