I’m sorry if this isn’t the place for this, but I’m just so fucking excited.

I was homeless and selling crack less than two years ago, neither of my parents graduated from fucking high-school, and I’m a beaner in America lmao.

The system hates me, I’ve been violently disadvantaged from the knowledge economy, and I know this isn’t really meaningful. Life will still be hard, and the coming collapse of empire will make it ever worse.

But fuck, does it feel good to catch a win sometimes.

  • @Femboy_Apotheosis@lemmygrad.mlOP
    2 years ago

    What exactly do you expect to happen to the roughly 35% of Americans living adjacent to the poverty line, by IMF standards mind you.

    Everyone knows the statistic that 70% of American doesn’t have a spare 500 dollars, which is literally nothing here. That’s slightly over a months worth of food for a family; it’s not even an entire months rent for most states.