Why take a stand on things when you can be a centrist and not take a stand? From Lemmy’s own devs.

  • krolden
    62 years ago

    Go back to Reddit then

    • @daelphinuxOP
      -22 years ago

      The point of coming here was to get away from Reddit, not turn it into Reddit. Which is what seems to be going really well if those admins keep getting their way.

      • krolden
        32 years ago

        If this was Reddit half the posts would have been deleted already. The only reason disinfo flourishes on Reddit is because its full of bots and people who believe everything they read online.

        If you want a nanny state forum then go start your own instance or go cry about it elsewhere.

        Also tbh you sound like the lib.

      • @WhiskeyJuliet
        02 years ago

        If the admins start banning everyone who mentions “misinformation” as defined by one lefty user, like yourself, then it will turn into Reddit, and be just as toxic as that dump.