• @k_o_t
    2 years ago

    one of the craziest statistics i’ve heard in relation to this is that the entirety of german police fired less shots in 2020 than there were shots in like a single arrest of a single person somewhere in california

    i’m against the police in general, but 4 month (or however long it takes exactly) training period in the us is just ridiculously short, i wouldn’t trust anyone with a gun, but especially some psychopath who naturally gravitated toward such a job because of a power fetish or smth

    in russia everybody knows to avoid cops as much as possible, but at least they’re not gonna shoot you 😬

    • @sexy_peach@feddit.deOP
      32 years ago

      Don’t really have a source, but here we go:

      They’re still pigs, I would know. Fuck them. Fuck the police.