Following this banned content and this discussion: provide that “fascism-communism equivalence” and “horse-shoe theory” serve only to legitimize fascists, would you (@all) find clearer adding to the policy that this kind of content is not welcome on this instance?

A sibling request here.

  • @dioramaOP
    4 years ago

    It is a matter to decide whether we can afford to welcome in the public discourse the ideas that these literally-two people, bearing in mind that we expose the community to nazi scum and in the end marginalize the already-marginalized folks. I think those literally-two people have all the tools to educate themselves on the subject in a safe environment for their growth, whereas the existence of marginalized folks is already at stake.
    I see no harm asking people do their homework if they can afford to do their homework. If they don’t, it is at best intellectual laziness and it is safe to avoid spending time in explaining why their idea is stigmatized.

    Slighty related: free sexism consulting, a concept that can be generalized.

      • @dioramaOP
        24 years ago

        The highlights were clear to me, very sorry if my wordings may have suggested the opposite. :(((
        The rest is cool, Germany included. ;)

      • @nope
        4 years ago

        Thank you. This very nicely summarizes the concerns that also I have with a strictly-no-horseshoe-theory policy.