I really want to ditch spotify, but its just so convenient to be able to search and stream music on any device at a moments notice. Not to mention the fact that its integrated with a music player that can quickly queue up, or add to playlist a searched song. Is there any software (or collection of software) that can emulate the convenience of spotify?

  • Helix 🧬
    32 years ago

    Hmm certainly not nice seeing it shilling FB.

    Either you’re trolling or you aren’t aware that YouTube, which you’re shilling, is made by Google.

    • @fleurc
      42 years ago

      Not shilling youtube, freetube and such are third party ways to use youtube which basically require no account and get you to be anonymous. But also that person doesn’t get that it was a joke

      • Helix 🧬
        22 years ago

        Third party ways to use youtube still use youtube.

        Absolutely proprietary.