Going to miss this app

  • datavoid
    2 years ago

    Just scrubbed my account from 2011 - fuck you spez 🙂

    Reminder: if you want to clear your account, do it before the API dies. Power delete suite is amazing

    • TWeaK
      2 years ago

      PDS doesn’t get rid of everything. PDS and other tools use your profile, specifically the New, Hot, Top and Controversial lists, which are each limited to 1,000 entries. If you have more than like 4,000 comments there are a lot that will be missed.

      For example, if you saved a link to one of your older Top comments, you may find that there are several of your replies left behind underneath - comments that are too old, not popular nor controversial enough to appear in your profile lists.

      The only way to get everything is to use the files from a GDPR or other data access request. With these links you can access every comment and delete them. Shreddit (the github version, not the pay website) can take these files. However, this most definitely uses the API and will break in 2 days.

      And all of this says nothing to the fact that reddit has been restoring edited and deleted comments over the last few weeks. They aren’t bringing back everything, and it happens little by little, but even the stuff PDS deletes keeps popping up every day or so.