Here’s the scene:

I can only run PaintToolSai2 in preview mode and I’ve tried to run a crack (simply an exe file called “saicrack.exe” that patches the directory files) to have full access to the app itself. I’m straight up running the thing using

wine "/home/.../sai2.exe"

I tried to use the same command but for the crack exe, yet it’s hitting me with the “sai2.exe doesn’t exist. crack failed!” despite it being in the same install directory.

I could just use Krita instead but I’m doing this for some1 else.

    32 years ago

    So every wine program runs under prefix (prefix is a whole virtual filesystem that contains the C: drive for the programs to run on). You have to run the crack executable under the same prefix that is used for PaintToolSai. I actually not very familiar about Wine specific, but I think the winetricks tool can help to select prefixes install something and other config.

    I’m slightly more familiar with Proton, which it has protontricks tool, but it basically just a winetricks helper for proton. And I don’t have a program installed on Wine to test. But for Proton games, I use protontricks --gui then select which game, then select what I want to do with that prefix.

    I think if the program is running on the default Wine prefix (I think the default is /home/$USER/.wine) then you can just try running winetricks --gui then select “Select the default wineprefix”, next, then run explorer.exe, then execute the crack from the Wine’s explorer so it will be executed as if it’s a windows program running on windows.

    • @uberstarOP
      12 years ago

      Oh shit that winetricks --gui idea actually worked. Tysm! The files for PaintTool Sai came preinstalled so all I had to do was Run Explorer through winetricks --gui, paste the files onto the virtual C: Drive and run the crack through the explorer.