• @wabooti
    02 years ago

    Breaking: My family who lived in the soviet union til it’s collapse think it was bad, particularly my two great grandfathers who were killed because they didn’t like the idea of deportation to the central asian steppes.

      • @wabooti
        02 years ago

        They were ethnic Germans living along the Volga River and in Ukraine’s Black Sea coast. The vast majority of ethnic Germans living in the Soviet Union were packed onto stock cars and were sent to Central Asia or Siberia in 1941/2 after the Nazis attacked the Soviet Union.

        • eisensteinium ☭OP
          52 years ago

          Yes the deportations of ethnic Germans was a mistake. The collapse of the USSR is still responsible for the largest drop in standard of living throughout history.

          • @DPUGT2
            -32 years ago

            When battered wives flee to the women’s shelters, they suffer large drops in their standard of living too. Sometimes it’s necessary for better to occur. Sometimes the “better” never occurs.

        • Anarcho-Bolshevik
          32 years ago

          So you think that the deportations were reprisals or collective punishments against Germans for the Axis invasion?