I would like to introduce Red Nibö, a new Ecko instance in the fediverse that opens a space for the discussion on science, technology and their social impact. The instance is aimed to the Latine community, so the main languages are Spanish and Portuguese but other languages are welcome too.


  • @plu
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • 林嘉铭 ليمْ جيا ميڠ
      62 years ago

      ironic because instead of being supportive of an instance being created for one of the most exploited continents in the world, you downvote a good post just because you are against some word.

    • Jorge S.OP
      42 years ago

      Thanks for the clarification. I agree to it and I think the term “Latine” is more appropriate since we can properly say it in Spanish and Portuguese. I am not aware of the state of the discussion in the US, therefore I chose to spell Latinx as a term that could include all genders (Latino/a/e), understanding x as a variable. Of course, your point is valid and we should avoid a term that is imposed by the white liberal wing. I am happy to learn from the discussion. It’s much more valuable than the downvotes, which are harder to interpret.