Millions of people sat out the election because they couldn’t be bothered to vote for a corporate apologist. There’s nothing criminal about being stupid, but I think you’ll find I’m not. There’s absolutely nothing magical about splitting one in a two party system and ending up with three parties, it is in fact the most basic math. Whoever the Republicans run will be Trump, by the way, and I actually think that if it’s made clear to the DNC establishment ASAP that the rabble is sick of the normal playbook there wouldn’t be any need to take this strategy past the primaries. But go on with your unsupported knee jerk ad hominem. I have faith in democracy, let’s wait a bit and see what the people think.
Ok so maybe this is wildly inappropriate but my pet theory is that schizophrenia is basically like your brain is getting interference from parallel universes. So like what you’re seeing and hearing isn’t real, here, but is maybe real somewhere else. Like in the subtle knife/dark materials novels. So maybe that’s a helpful mental model. Like all your senses are screaming that the input you’re getting is real, but also it’s an entire universe away. It can’t get you here. You can see it and feel it but it’s not going to touch you if that makes sense… I’ve experienced some pretty odd neural states that sort of go in that direction as well, thankfully transient and non-recurring, but the secret for me for the unpleasantness was mostly to try to ground out and like ride out the fucked up parts, keeping my sort of core personality calm and being resigned to the chaos but also determined to outlast it. Idk the universe is a fucked up place so like kudos for maintaining what is likely a particularly fucked up version of it. Hopefully there’s some peace in it occasionally.