• 4 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020

  • jaidedctrltoLinuxObsessed with linux ?
    5 years ago

    i’m in CS now, but when i got into lignux i was just some dumb nerd. it was right around the time Valve ported Steam to lignux— this was the only thing that let me switch honestly. i’m not sure how exactly i learned about ubuntu, but i gave it a go— and i’ve been in love with UNIXish systems ever since. popped over to parabola for a couple years, then openbsd for a few, then haiku.

    and now i’m studying CS, because of it.

    EDIT: this is why i’m skeptical of the argument some free software activists make-- that proprietary software on lignux hurts the movement. it doesn’t. it brings over more allies who otherwise would’ve never switched to lignux, let alone heard of free software. someday the proprietary software on lignux will no longer exist, and it’ll be a beautiful day for sure. but for now, it is a necessary evil that’ll further our own interests.

  • i use it to host most sites on my server and for a file-host (filenames redirection via HTTP, data over IPFS).

    if you look at the DNS records of xwx.moe, you’ll see how you can host an HTTP site on IPFS— redirect to a gateway, with a TXT record containing the hash. it’s super-cool.

    as for everyday use, i don’t use it too much either. there just aren’t enough cool sites or blogs that are on IPFS, y’know? i only have five bookmarked, at least.

  • jaidedctrltoOpen Source*Permanently Deleted*
    5 years ago

    oh my god, you should’ve seen their reaction to stallman’s resignation. it was fucking crazy! like I’m a stallman stan, but even I think it was way too much.

    they also threw a hugee hyperbolic fit with linux’es CoC change last year. just a crazy website.

  • jaidedctrlOPtoUnixporn[Haiku] I dream of Dracula
    5 years ago

    i really like the filesystem (BeFS) and the cool abstractions its attribute system allows, its message-passing system, how lightweight it is, great community, very UNIXy, etc.

    it also has the most pleasant GUI i’ve touched in a very long time— everything’s snappy, cohseive, and sensical. i normally hate floating WM, and hate letting GUIs do things for me, but with haiku it’s different.