They act like most of us even have time to make breakfast like we’re living in some 90’s sitcom
They act like most of us even have time to make breakfast like we’re living in some 90’s sitcom
Damn, these downvoting leftists sure are cool with oppression
I think that line is important to explain that its impossible to completely wash our hands of any animal suffering, even as vegans, but I agree with your points that animals should given better rights (the first page or so of “animal liberation” by peter singer explains why the term “equal rights” is kind of unnecessary, but I know what you mean)
Oh man I miss sprouts so much
Yes, with some exceptions. Id certainly pay for an animal if it meant it got out of a CAFO
Here’s the issue I have with both the LOTR and Dr who sets, as well as the 40k set, which comes from my inexperience probably (only been playing about 4 years). Will these sets both just be legal forever minus a few cards they might ban? I feel like if wotc adds too much 3rd party IP it could dilute the lore/universe they’ve made, no?
Also, im very curious story wise where it goes after MOM. I want Ajani to pop off now that he’s healed and get some more sweet lifegain cards printed (I started during the heliod/ajani meta on arena)
Respectfully, I’m new to lemmy so I dont know how strict the mods are here, but I think that you want to continue this discussion. We should move this conversation to direct messaging or to another community of your choice, due to the rules of this sub. Happy to continue talking though
So the issue that vegans like myself would have with that is that we don’t agree that convenience is more important than an animals life. Veganism is very binary due to the definition. If you’re a star wars fan, think yoda: “do or do not, there is no try”. The fact that its an ethical framework means that as strong men, women, and nonbinary adults we hold ourselves to what we think is moral and right. A vegan, at a work dinner where there are no vegan options, just doesn’t eat that meal and is hungry. Super inconvenienced and annoyed, but hungry. I personally believe that a lot of the things that seem hard about veganism go away with 2 things: understanding the why, and experience. As far as understanding the why, I would recommend this:
Edit: this movie is graphic. If you aren’t in a good mental place, wait till later. It is important for people to see what they pay for that’s not a block of cheese that they buy from the store
I agree. Ill try to post on here more to keep it going
Congrats im jealous. Currently at about 2.5
Thanks! Lemmy is weird in that people are much more friendly here, im still deprogramming from other sites where you’re ridiculed for being wrong lol
Veganism, as it is defined, is an ethical framework that seeks to, where practicable and possible, eliminate all forms of exploitation and harm to animals, directly or indirectly, that we can control. We tend to be specific on terms so that our movement doesn’t get bogged down, so forgive me for sounding rude or dismissive as that is not my intention.
That being said, what is available to you? Perhaps I could help you out if you’d like advice. I currently use some products that would be harder to find outside of the United States, but when I first decided to be vegan I didn’t have the same access and relied on much more simple ingredients
Edit: idk how to dm mods, but let me know if that breaks rule 2
Like I said, im new, first job out of college. Any client I’ve ever used have been the apps I write. I imagine that the clients you are referring to, however, are part of more complicated systems
Without spoiling anything, the first season is super good and has a lot of great action. But season 1 is more like the “prologue” and action dies down in season 2, as it’s more of a slow build. Season one got me interested, season 2 got me hooked.
Edit: to clarify, the show isn’t really about battles/action, but it is very much included. If thats what you’re looking for, season 2 might disappoint you
Cook whatever pasta you got. Throw some silken tofu, plant milk, nooch, salt, pepper, and some kind of fat in a blender, taste and add whatever flavor you feel like. Cook some garlic, throw sauce in, add spinach, tomatoes chickpeas, or whatever veggies you want and stir the noodles in. Add more pepper. Usually the sauce is ready by the time the noodles are done so its very quick. Plus its got a bunch of b12, protein, iron, etc depending on what you put in.
Vinland Saga quickly rose to my top 5. Season 2 is so damn good
Oh I misread the question then, my bad. The word “framework” is always pretty loose in my mind
This whole thing would be great but they had to ruin it with that. I feel you