Arms are on the body though. Neck is between the shoulders
Arms are on the body though. Neck is between the shoulders
Based on the serif of the font I’d go with P as the ai says
Random username generator
Pretty weird of you to say commenting is texting. But hey, you do you
Big government is coming to take your toothbrush
Arch user here. Mint is cool. Go mint!
In my head I always read it as salmonella
Soon Dave is gonna be an AI and it’s everyone else who’ll be losing their jobs
It’s a great time get into Linux for those who want to try it. This year is actually the Year of the Linux desktop
I’m not good at reading arabic without vowel markers but the text says Allah rasool Muhammed
What’s the flask for?
I’ve always hated this analogy. Why can’t I buy a cake and eat it?