• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • I don’t care that people are criticizing the Deck. Nothing should be above that. But I just don’t care for twenty posts a day where an individual user has a stuck pixel. I’d rather see one thread for that, where maybe we get some numbers on how many Decks actually have that problem. A poll would work great. But instead we get twenty posts all saying the same thing.

    I’m here to ask and read questions and discussions. Maybe see some cool mods, get some recommendations. But for weeks now it has been “Limited is still available”, “My Deck hasn’t shipped yet”, “Here’s a picture of my Deck just out of the box, looking pretty much exactly like yours did” and “This pixel is dead”.

    These things are important to the person posting, but after the first few it really dilutes the actual interesting discussions here.

  • Yes its great for Emulation but I would honestly say wait a few months to try that stuff, try out your old steam games, try some new ones, try your battle net, gog and epic games out,etc… and then later start to tinker with some emulators if you are interested.

    Everything else I can agree with, but hard disagree here! Setting up emulation was super duper easy for the most part for me. It was basically the first thing I did after installing my Steam library. It was a quick and painless process to get 90% of my roms running. Only the newer emulators made a bit of trouble, but anything up to DS works fine. And those that made trouble had solutions posted on this sub.

    Why am I saying you should do this as quickly as you want? Because it doesn’t just show you what desktop mode can do, but also works offline perfectly. I’ve had a few bad surprises with games not starting if I had no connection (looking at you, EA!), but with emulators you know you always have something to fall back on. I wouldn’t say you have to install all your roms at once, but having one nostalgic game like Pokemon or Mario to spend time with if nothing else works, that’s quite nice.

    It’s also a great tutorial to get the most out of your deck. I learned how to properly use desktop mode. I learned how to incorporate programs into Steam to run from gaming mode. I learned how to install plugins to replace a few broken title art frames that didn’t load properly. I learned how to change button layouts. It showed me that most questions/problems of mine have already been addressed in this subreddit. Now I can use all that to get the most out of other games.

    If you’re interested in emulation, don’t wait to try it. Go tinker with your new toy and customize it to your liking!

  • I save my games at the very least. I know a few that come back from sleep no problem (especially on emulation), so those I mostly leave open. The others depend how long I’m putting the deck down for. If longer than an hour, I may want to play something else anyway, and so I turn the game of first. If just for a few minutes, I’ll just put it to sleep and risk having to restart the game.

    I haven’t had any issues yet, but I’m a pretty new user and don’t have a lot of hours. I could imagine online games being a problem, but everything singleplayer has worked so far.

  • Thanks, I’ll take a closer look at them! I’m a bit sceptical as they don’t show exactly how the power is split between the two ports but rather what combined power they can give. But maybe it’s just split according to the power needs of whatever is plugged in and the order doesn’t matter.

    I don’t worry about black friday. I’m in Germany, we didn’t have this until a few years ago, and even now everything I looked at before / during has been the same price but marketed as a reduced price. Even stuff I bought last year either hat the same discount year-round or a coupon you could click to give the same savings. It’s a marketing tool that will save you exactly 0€ on Amazon here.

    Either way, if I find the Europlug equivalents, I might go for one of those!

  • Thank you! I still can only go as low as 40 refresh rate and set the fps to full/half/quarter of the rate, so 35 fps is still impossible to reach. It’s either 40-60 fps at full or 20-30 fps at half or 10-15 at quarter fps, so the same limits as before apply.

    It seems I misremember being able to do this with the old settings, and it’s just a physical limitation of the screen. But I feel much better about it now, knowing it’s not something that was possible before but isn’t now.

  • It’s comfortable thanks to the form factor. With a lot of controllers, they can be a little too small for my liking. Thanks to the SD size, I can grip it without having my hands all scrunched up.

    But they weight isn’t small. I definitely don’t play it like I did my Nintendo DS back in the days, in bed held above my head. That seems deadly if the SD falls! But most other positions work great, as long as your arms are supported.

    Big plus is the size and form, a minus is the weight.

  • That’s what one my favourite aspects: When idling it uses like 3-5 W. And in most games I use around 12W, give or take. That’s soooo little for what I’m doing! My alternative is a speced out pc that I use with two monitors, that probably draws closer to 40W idle and 200-400W on a heavy load? Never measured it, ignorance is bliss as they say.

    I love that my little Deck can do everything I want with sooo little power! One of my favourite features and one of the reasons I keep the performance indicators on, just so I can see how little power I’m using and be happy.

    Just a rough calculation: Say my pc takes on average 120W (with a hefty margin of error depending on the task). And my deck takes 10W roughly. For me in Germany, electricity costs around 35ct/kWh right now (RIP, I know). That means I save 110W or 3.85 ct per hour of gaming. Meaning, because I got the refurbished 512GB model for around 380€, the Deck will have paid for itself once it replaces 9870 hours of Pc usage! That’s more than my entire Steam games time combined since like 2012 or so… It’s around 8h usage for 3 years straight. So probably not happening, but still a nice thing to have!