• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 14th, 2023


  • Well, that is because those people are pro-capitalists too (left-leaners meaning social democrats i.e. not socialists). The meme is more of a reference to right-wingers/the alt right who loathe things like immigration from the global south kept under the boot of imperialism even though it’s a necessary mean to keep profits up in this “free market” they so love.

  • She’s the literal embodiment of white, middle-class European bourgeois sentiment.

    She is the child of famous Swedish actor Svante Thunberg and opera singer Malena Ernman (who represented Sweden in Eurovision 2009), so when she got famous I suspected it was some kind of stunt pushed by her parents as, like with many rich and privileged people, they probably had plenty of contacts on their deck to be able to garner media attention. It doesn’t surprise me that she and her family would be the milquetoast white liberal Swedes that they are.

  • Thank you for the detailed response! It makes sense that the country’s dissatisfaction with the past government stems from these points and not only young people or the current ownership of the media, but it really makes me think why an understanding of imperialism as well as the reason behind consumer goods being so common in the west should be a fundamental part of socialist education as to not make people look to the west as something people would want to strive to be like.

    And to fill in on the last point, I’ve also noticed the complete apathy to rising cost of living in my country. No one is protesting or doing anything about it. Most people aren’t politically engaged because they seem to feel it’s a headache with all the commotion that politics is associated with so they think just voting for a populist is enough and they wont boycott or go on strikes because it’s just more inconvenient than forcing a change. It seems as if the risk of the strikes or protests being getting broke is what is disincentivizes people to take action (although France would be a different case). The labour movement here seems completely dead when it should be on the rise. People being so indifferent about the state of their livelihood is a red flag to me (pun not intended) as it seems to symbolize the control that people now are living under.