• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023

  • Thanks for the response! I mentioned in another comment that I am looking into buying Spanish language versions of Marquez books but this is generally something I am saving for B2/near C1 fluency level. I originally was going to turn subtitles off for the Mexican scenes in Breaking Bad but all learning Spanish has done is make me realise just how bad Giancarlo Esposito is at speaking it lol. I’ve read some children level stories in Spanish and have generally found this easy to follow along with so I am going to be moving on from this and look for more challenging material.

  • Yeah this is another thing I am doing that I failed to mention in my original post. I have been listening to a lot of reggaeton and Spanish language music since like January which has helped and am also reading some stuff, next month I am planning on getting a Spanish language copy of “One Thousand Years of Solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez which is one of my favourite novels.

    Most of the nouns I’ve learned have come from interacting with Spanish media rather than note copying. I mostly used Duolingo and flashcards to teach me the grammar.

  • wOw, HoW fUnNy. YoU aDdEd ‘OuR,’ tO a WoRd.

    WoW. hOw FuNnY. yOu AdDeD tHe WoRd OuR tO a WoRd.

    HoW fUnNy. HoW cOmPeLlInG.

    HaVe yOu rEaD CaPiTaL? hAvE YoU ReAd aNyThInG ReMoTeLy sOcIaLiSt? Do yOu kNoW WhAt dIaLeCtIcAl mAtErIaLiSm iS? dO YoU KnOw aNyThInG AbOuT CoMmOdItIeS, tHe rElAtIoN Of tHe wOrKeR AnD ThE CaPiTaLiSt, EtC?

    AdDiNg “OuR” tO A WoRd aNd pReSeNtInG It aS ‘wOw aM CoMmIe’ HuMoUr iS A BrIlLiAnT, cLeVeR, eInStIeN-LeVeL JoKe. ThIs iS So fAr fRoM ThE TrUtH. iN ReAlItY, uSiNg tHiS TeChNiQuE Is nOt oNlY UnFuNnY, bUt iT’S AlSo a lAzY AtTeMpT At hUmOuR ThAt rElIeS On tIrEd cLiChEs aNd sTeReOtYpEs. FiRsT Of aLl, ThE VeRy tHoUgHt tHaT PuTtInG “oUr” In fRoNt oF A UsUaL, eVeRyDaY WoRd aUtOmAtIcAlLy mAkEs iT SoCiAlIsT Is a mIsUnDeRsTaNdInG, a cUrSe, A LeVeL Of sTuPiDiTy i cAnNoT CoMpReHeNd; ArE YoU, bY AnY ChAnCe, An eInZeLlEr?cOmMuNiSm iS SuCh a cOmPlIcAtEd sOcIo-eCoNoMiC ThEoRy tHaT CaNnOt bE ReDuCeD To a sImPlE ‘oUr,’ tO ReDuCe iT To sUcH A SiMpLe, LoW-Iq lInGuIsTiC TrIcK. uSiNg ‘OuR’ aS A PrEfIx iS OnE Of tHe wOrSt aTtEmPtS At hUmOuR I CaN ImAgInE. sHaMe oN YoU, sHaMe. SeCoNdLy, ThE UsE Of tHiS TeChNiQuE Is oFtEn aSsOcIaTeD WiTh lAzY HuMoUr tHaT ReLiEs oN StErEoTyPeS AnD ClIcHeS. tHiS TyPe oF HuMoUr iS NoT OnLy uNfUnNy, BuT It’s aLsO HuRtFuL AnD PeRpEtUaTeS HaRmFuL StErEoTyPeS.

    ShAmE On yOu, Ya fIlThY BuMhOlE.