• 26 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • The audacity to tout classism and ableism as reasons as to why people should “get to” use LLMs for their “write a novel in a month” challenge…

    Even when someone’s inability to write a novel in a month is because of their class or disability, I somehow doubt they want to let a machine write their novel for them. I mean, it’s not like NaNoWriMo is a way to put food on the table or something, right?!!

    This feels like the arguments Mid journey fellators fanboys were spouting a year ago (or has it been two?) on how not everyone can afford a school of fine arts 🙄

  • Their starting aside is pretty great as well;

    And I’m using that term throughout this post because it’s the commonly accepted descriptor, but we all know it’s not really artificial intelligence, right? I also want to distinguish it from actually-useful and ethically-produced technology like what gets used in the medical field to help humans examine and analyze impossibly huge datasets in the service of doing things like curing cancer. We’re talking here about the plagiarism machines like ChatGPT, everything it underpins, and all of its conceptual mirrors.

    Leave no wiggle room for the AI sycophants.

  • Après ~6h de jeu, je fais le constat : ca fonctionne plutôt bien !

    J’ai pu faire une partie en quick match sans soucis. J’ai aussi pu faire plusieurs parties custom avec un pote via le système d’invitations. Le seul soucis avec celles-ci, c’est qu’apres la partie terminée je n’arrive pas a rejoindre une nouvelle partie via invitation sans redémarrer le jeu. Il met a peine une dizaine de secondes a se lancer sur ma machine, donc c’est loin d’être bloquant pour y prendre mon plaisir !

    précisions : je suis sous Arch Linux et j’ai suivi a la lettre les instructions dans le lien de ce poste, inclus la partie “pour jouer en multi”

    ping @diminou@lemmy.zip qui voulait un retour d’expérience

  • Je suis agréablement surpris par la qualité de cette video !

    Traînant dans le game dev moi-meme depuis quelques années, je n’ai rien a rajouter sur le sujet de l’IA, et ma seule critique de la video serait sur un des tout derniers propos. Si la lutte est souvent requise pour prendre du plaisir en la réussite, il faut quand meme avoir l’impression qu’un jour on réussira pour continuer a lutter (dans le cadre du jeu video comme passe-temps ludique).

  • Having just watched the lecture, the only classified info I can recognize is the capabilities of 80s era satellites.

    Given that, I think it’s quite a shame that the whole thing is only now available. Rear Admiral Hopper seems to have been someone who deeply understood both computers and people. The prescriptions she gives regarding “systems of computers” and “management” vs “leadership”, to name just two, are spot-on. Her lecture is quite grounded in what I’d call “military thinking”, but that’s just because she’s in a room filled with people who are of that life. In my opinion, everything she talks about is applicable to communities and businesses.

    The general gist of the entire ~90mins reminds me of Project Cybersyn in its perspective on how computers could serve society.

  • The idea is neat, and there is a certain precedent for the approach in .htaccess files and webserver path permissions.

    Still, I worry about the added burden to keeping track of filenames when they get used as stringed keys in such a manner. More plainly: if I rename a file, I now have to go change every access declaration that mentions it. Sure, a quick grep will probably do the trick. But I don’t see a way to have tooling automate any part of it, either.

  • The idea & execution are great, I just don’t know that I would ever do this for collecting into Vecs myself.

    When I’m tired of writing turbofish, I usually just annotate the type for the binding of the “result”:

    let d = [1i32, 2, 3];
    let y: Vec<_> = d.iter().map(|x| x + 100).collect();

    So often have I collected into a vector then later realized that I really wanted a map or set instead, that I prefer keeping the code “flat” and duplicated (i.e. we don’t “go into” a specific function) so that I can just swap out the Vec for a HashMap or BTreeSet when & where the need arises.