
  • 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2022

  • The trick was actually that Johnny joined the competition in the first place. I reckon folks’ll get mighty suspicious and jealous when you’re lugging around a golden fiddle.

    We hear about Johnny’s triumph, but I suspect that the story plays out in the devil’s favor afterwards. He just wanted to make sure that this fantastic fiddler was at the center of the mayhem - taking a musician meant to spread merriment and turning him into a tool for chaos, maybe even rending him from this mortal coil in the process.

    He shows up in Oh Brother Where Art Thou doesn’t he?

  • _NoName_toMemesviolently cries and sobs
    8 days ago

    The outrage is more that a label is being applied to them. They want it to be ‘women’ and ‘trans women’, where only ‘non-normal’ identities get a label.

    The application of ‘cis’ bothers conservatives because it changes the narrative, from people who identify as their assigned sex being ‘the default’, into cis people just another state of identity with no more significance than the others.

  • _NoName_toMemesScary
    10 days ago

    Sure you can.

    • Look under the water.
    • oh shit a shark.
    • shark don’t give a fuck bout no human, keeps on swimmin.
    • you survived.

    You could also survive a serial killer in a similar way.

    “Here’s your latte, Sir.”

    But also, you could take a small shark.

  • Can’t tell if this is sarcasm. Not a proponent of AI, but this is actually somewhat correct.

    A well-documented phenomena regarding salmon are the salmon runs, where salmon migrate up rivers in order to mate.

    They are quite often shown leaping out of the water to fight currents, to the point that grizzly bears have made it a hunting practice to wait at the top of rapids and grab the salmon out of the air.

    It got the fish wrong. Though. I think that coloration is more like a trout, but in reality it’s a whateverthefucktheaifeelslike fish

  • _NoName_toMemesOpportunity
    11 days ago

    Hierarchy, being a chain of command in which an individual above, privvy to more information, gives you instructions to follow. This includes military organizations, but is just as applicable to a doctor-patient relationship.

    Coercion, meaning the threat of retaliation, through physical force, revoking of freedoms or privileges, or denial of resources.

    Voluntary, meaning of one’s own means, with no coercion or realization of coercion, with the clear option to opt out being present whenever possible.

    This does not leave things in question, I believe. Currently, we all operate within hierarchies at work with explicit threats of destitution being held over our heads, through the denial of currency. Meanwhile, there is no coercion from your physician despite it still being hierarchical in nature, because the hierarchy is entirely based on trust and is voluntary.