Why not an aerial for Jeopardy? It’s usually on local broadcast, so you could plumb together a DVR setup if you want it within a unified experience.
Why not an aerial for Jeopardy? It’s usually on local broadcast, so you could plumb together a DVR setup if you want it within a unified experience.
Been getting that for months.
Work uses a VPN. So if there’s a useful answer to a work question on some technical reddit, I don’t see it. Way to remain a relevant resource for anything but fandom BS.
Make sure of proper grounding first.
Daemons of the Shadow Realm, from the FMA author?
D. Gray-man isn’t bad for like the first 10 or so volumes.
Black Butler isn’t 100% action but interedtingly steampunk at times.
Everything that’s been done with beans, but with electrolytic capacitors. You can’t imagine the emotional bond you can form with a reel of 50-volt 470-microfarad caps.
There’s no purple stuff, but is the other stuff at least Sunny Delight?
Doom. I’d make an adorable Cacodaemon and by the nature of Doom, I will be everywhere, blasted across the universe as programmers port me to anything that can oscillate between a high and low signal level.
Wide F40PH isn’t real… Wide F40PH can’t hurt me…
Had a few opportunities ro ride the ex-MILW line before the Pandemic. Once the conductor had such beaming first-day enthusiasm, it was almodt infectious. Hope he’s still doing well. Another time I went all the way to Union Station and saw a pair of the elusive F40Cs in a yard.
There’s some shared delusion that without a HOA to block it, everyone is just champing at the bit to leave a rusted out Pontiac on blocks in their front yard, which will totally cause their neighbour’s property value to fall.
Personally, the next model-home exhibit I visit, I’m asking up front if they mind my plans for a 1:3 scale reconstruction of the Westward Ho
It’s not fascism unless it comes from the Fasces region of Italy. This is just sparkling contempt for humanity.
Opening a new savings account after a family move (back then, people encouraged children to save their pocket money to teach the value of thrift)
I mentioned to the banker were I had had an account in the old city, and he told me that they were in a lot of trouble. It was part of the Savings and Loan fiasco of the late 1980s.
Telepaths must feel like watching an analog TV with a vaccuum cleaner running full tilt next to it.
Why kiss rings when you can manufacture your own?
Genshin’s character quests are a hairball. Too easy to accidentally trigger once unlocked, and then you end up with other quests locked out, including dailies. There’s also limited story reward-- I don’t really need a deep dive into some B-plot character who you’ll never see again in the main story progrrssion.
Where? That sounds like a good price as internal SATA BD-RE drives tend to be $60+
As someone who has to deal with PCI compliance issues, there’s plenty of noob mistakes, out-of-date thinking and outright “let’s log this data for debugging purposes even though if any regulator found out they’d nuke us from orbit.”
There are valid questions, many of which revolve around how and why it’s used.
Some systems have brain damaged approaches to diagnostics/logging, license enforcement, or remote service/update systems that create security holes but are not intentionally malicious.
Security is hard and we should remember Hanlon’s Razor.
How can we ask “are we closer” if we don’t know what the destination is?
LLMs might still end up being an interesting special-purpose system, perhaps with fairly broad applications, but in a direction that’s different from where true AGI ends up coming from.
Isn’t it a Trabant, fampus for plasticplastic body panels?