Of course they won’t, can’t trust the us.
The Left begins with anti-capitalism. If you aren’t against capitalism, you aren’t left.
Hun talte præcis om det, eller - dvs. hun talte specifikt ikke direkte om det, i et interview med Zetland fra i dag[21/3-2024] af.
Gamle Løkke er ikke ren, og han bliver det aldrig. Ham og hans slyngelparti er ude efter penge og magt, men jeg gentager mig selv.
Her er en tekst taget fra Aalborg Kommunes hjemmeside. Men loven er gældende i hele landet. Kontakt din bo-kommune, ved enten at ringe til dem, eller møde op hos borgerservice. Sig til dem at du ønsker at søge børnetilskud. Voila.
Jeg var lidt i tvivl om det kun er nyhedsartikler fra media der er tilladte, eller om det er okay at poste oplysninger direkte fra offentlige institutioner.
Evil Obi-One Kenobi strikes again.
Endnu engang tilgodeses Danmarks mest forkælede erhverv. Det eneste hverv der modtager flere penge i støtte end det samlet betaler i skat. Rejs en bajer for landbruget mine damer og herre, og husk at bukke nakken, for de ejer os tilsyneladende.
Well well well, who would have thunk it
Finally some focus on the main gameplay element.
Gosh the amount of hype I am starting to feel for the expansion is starting to rise a lot.
Most economic majors live in fear of the day economics will be recognized as a subset of sociology.
This was not news 20 years ago, and it is not really news today. These are people willing to destroy everything for just a few dollars more. You can argue that if it was not them, then it would be someone else. But that is why the system needs to be dismantled. Capitalism will fight any attempt towards fixing climate change. Systems wants to sustain themselves, if a sick system is causing damages, then it needs to go. It is the only way.
Flithy, flithy lies
Preach, funny little rocket man.
That shouldn’t be the first question you should be asking. Unless you are from southern us.
Yes. It is the most up to date map in my area, in point of fact, other maps copy their data from osm for my area.
Never surrender comrade. You are not a failure for not succeeding in a competition that was rigged before you were born. Failing to fit into a system made to exploit and oppress is not a surprise or a mark against you, the opposite really. Gather with others, make community, burdens shared are burdens lightened. If we are to survive in this world, we will have to survive together.