Will ypu change from Ubuntu to Fedora?
Will ypu change from Ubuntu to Fedora?
Your machine is UEFI, which means your usb stick must be formatted in gpt. Ventoy defaults to mbr which means lagacy bios. It is just 3 mouse click setup.
Try again. Because it is the best method. I just updated 2,5 years old Ventoy stick without any issues without re-formatting.
No. It goes off when I’m using it actively. I’ve never had any issues getting back from hibernate.
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It’s simply impossible to run away from Blackrock these days. Money sells self-dignity.
Cars has been so poorly made dor 1 or 2 decades now, that I respect most people who drives late 90’s to early 00’s cars.
Electric cars are a joke in terms of quality. How they don’t have self-dignity at all?
This is a script of Simpsons episode and Torvalds will actually die in 2058.
In the old days, it was Emacs trying to do everything. Now, it’s the SystemD.
Try T2: https://t2sde.org/
I have no experience with it but I bet it should work nicely since meant for T2 Macbooks. The project leader has a Youtube channel (mostly livestreams): https://www.youtube.com/@MoreReneRebe
Hetken jo ajattelin, että mitä hiivatin noituutta nämä Suomeksi olevat konekääntäjän tekstit ovat olevinaan.
Todennäköisesti. Hakkasin googlea jo silloin samana iltana kun sen alunperin näin, mutten löytänyt sitä enää silloinkaan. Täysin turha kohuotsikko se oli.
En kyllä todellakaan jaksanu lukea sitä :D menin iltalehden etusivulle ja ensimmäisenä vastassa otsikko jotakuinkin “huomasitko viisufinaalissa? Windows95Man ja äärioikeistolainen symboliikka” Ei sanasta sanaan noin, mutta noita sanoja käyttäen.
Pari tuntia myöhemmim yritin etsiä uutista näyttääkseni sen kaverille mutta ei löytynyt enää mistään.
Youtube is full of Kdenlive tutorials. Within 1 hour of learning you’ll know the basics use of it. It is easy if you’re willing to start with tutorials since it is different from other video editing softwares.
Is your internal battery dead? I’ve never seen such problems with dual battery Thinkpads.
Just to clarify, you don’t need to shrink your storage drive for any VM. I haven’t used Windows for so many years, that I can’t remember can you shrink your C:/ partition, so search for it from your preferred search engine.
For a Linux Newbie Nvidia should not cause problems. Pop_OS! releases their own .iso for their own made Nvidia drivers. Also other Nvidia driver named NVK should be available soon for any distro out of the box and it will remove most (if not all) Nvidia-related problems on Linux. But I bet most Linux-gamers uses Nvidia without issues anyway.
When you’re about to do your first dual booting attempt, I highly recommend to take a backup from your Windows install since it’s your first time so something unexplainable can go wrong.
Ps. Remember this until the rest of your life: no matter how you do it, Windows will always override and format your Linux ESP partition, so you have to always install Windows first and Linux second and preferably with its own ESP.
Sounds like Jolla has found a new, international investor.
Does Libretube app have the same behaviour?