Following the Biden administration’s announcement of uncapped 45X tax credits to support a green manufacturing revolution, Michele Weindling, Political Director of Sunrise Movement, released the following statement:

“It’s critical the Biden Administration unleash a WWII-scale mobilization of government to stop climate change and his decision to make 45X robust and uncapped is a step towards that. These are the kind of effective measures we need to see more of from the administration to build renewable energy at the scale science demands."

“However, President Biden must do so much more if he wants to be taken seriously by young voters. He is overseeing an explosion in oil and gas production that has resulted in the US producing more fossil fuels than ever before. He must reject new fossil fuel projects, starting with CP2, that poison communities and that will harm young people far into the future.”

“Biden must make a choice. He can’t one day cave to fossil fuel millionaires and the next throw a bone to young people. That’s not how science works, and young voters know it.”