The recent excitement surrounding Thread’s arrival on the Fediverse is concerning. To understand why this is not a good idea, consider their economic interest in harvesting data, their poor moderation, and their manipulations. Nothing good can come from their federation. Don’t roll out the red carpet for them.

    125 months ago

    Remember when Gchat was federated with XMPP, and the federation was dropped when it wasn’t serving Google’s needs anymore?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
      15 months ago

      Haha, yes. Meta (back then as Facebook) had a Jabber (XMPP) bridge to their messenger. When they noticed that people used OTR for messaging so they could not analyze the data they disabled it again. Was a wild but short time. With Threads it seems to be a bit different, though, because ActivityPub is their first-class transport protocol and not just a bridge.

  • Dame
    15 months ago

    Find several articles that aren’t blogposts that point to XMPP being dead because of Google