I don’t wanna die lol

  • @CITRUS@lemmygrad.ml
    231 year ago

    You probably won’t die IN a revolution. BEFORE, well that’s the kicker. Reactionaries will do anything they can to prevent organization. Now naturally, how radical their actions are depends on the escalation of class warfare. Right now if you are in the core, they depend on misinformation to prevent class consciousness so you aren’t personally threatened. Maybe if you are real important you’ll get jailed or black balled. But as conditions worsen, reactionaries will lash out more. I recommend learning self defense and OPSEC practices, especially with your cyber footprint. Also trust your gut, evasion is the best way to protect yourself.

  • DankZedong
    191 year ago

    I don’t want to die either but I wouldn’t mind if I did. I’m convinced whatever I’m doing leads to armed struggle eventually but I don’t have the time or resources to extensively train myself for it right now.

    I will do anything I can if revolution comes and I will do anything to stay alive. But if I die, at least I died fighting for a better world. So I stopped worrying too much.

  • SubversivoB
    171 year ago

    Don’t being part of the bourgeoisie is a good start.

        • not to antagonize, but i really don’t know if revolutionaries would just buy it if a bougie/petit bougie just tells them “wait! don’t shoot! i like mao/lenin/marx/engel!”, i feel like they might put them into some kind of test (for example asking what mao/lenin/marx/engels’ viewpoints on certain things are) first to see if the bougie/petit bougie in question is being genuine.

          • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
            111 year ago

            Absolutely, I meant you have to do what they did: serve the people and it doesn’t matter where you started.

          • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
            41 year ago

            It depends what you do before things reach that point. Fidel was extremely wealthy and his family profited heavily off of the Batista regime with massive sugar plantations. However, no one ever accused Fidel of being a bourgeoisie threat, because the very first act of Fidel’s during the revolution was to collectivize and nationalize all of his family’s assets and farms.

            He became a class traitor (In the good way).

            You can too. Even if you are petite, then supporting the revolution is all that you really need to do.

            • However, no one ever accused Fidel of being a bourgeoisie threat, because the very first act of Fidel’s during the revolution was to collectivize and nationalize all of his family’s assets and farms.

              ok, but how did he do this? i don’t imagine it was as easy as it sounds.

              • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
                1 year ago

                “Hey guys, now that the revolution has succeeded here is my program to nationalize all of the sugar industries in Cuba. To show that I am serious and have no biases, I will nationalize all of my personal and family farms and assets first; they belong to the people not myself.”

                That was pretty much it.

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        61 year ago

        Khrushchev once spoke to Zhou Enlai. Khrushchev says A big difference between the USSR and PRC is that I rose to power from a proletarian family, meanwhile you ascended to power from the privileged Mandarin class of China. Zhou Enlai replied that they have a striking similarity, that they are both traitors to their class. Where you come from means less than where you stand on the issue of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Zhou Enlai was not harmed by the PRC for his family’s wealth, he was welcomed with open arms as a friend of the Proletarian Revolution.

        • Zhou Enlai was not harmed by the PRC for his family’s wealth, he was welcomed with open arms as a friend of the Proletarian Revolution.

          that’s great, but what did he do that managed to convince the peoples’ revolutionary army that he’s an ally, despite coming from bougies?

          • ButtigiegMineralMap
            11 year ago

            I can look more into it later but I read that he got into anti-Japanese intellectual groups and organizations during the time of their occupation. During this time he became a connection between the Communist Party and the rest of the outside world for collecting information, communication with other anti-Japan organizations, etc.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    141 year ago

    Reading Left Wing Communism rn and Lenin says every worthwhile Revolutionary needs to learn to properly retreat in an orderly fashion. Only left-comms think that retreat is unnecessary or not respectable, true Revolutionaries know that they have more power in mixing the legal and illegal forms of resistance, not learning to retreat from an unwinnable battle means you’ll probably perish. To paraphrase a quote of his, He is not a genius who never makes a mistake, but the one who makes small mistakes and learns to easily and quickly remedy these mistakes becomes a genius with experience.

  • @xenautika@lemmygrad.ml
    131 year ago

    Comrade Huey:

    “The first lesson a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man.”

    "Revolutionary suicide does not mean that I and my comrades have a death wish; it means just the opposite. We have such a strong desire to live with hope and human dignity that existence without them is impossible. When reactionary forces crush us, we must move against these forces, even at the risk of death. We will have to be driven out with a stick. "


    Che’s last words: “I know you have come to kill me. Shoot, coward! You are only going to kill a man.”

  • @Aria@lemmygrad.ml
    131 year ago

    Protective clothes under inconspicuous clothes might save you if you get targetted half-heartedly.

  • Learn to go off grid digitally, and prep yourself in absolute solitary confinement and isolation. Learn to train your body to survive on less food and water. Survival Manual on F-Droid has lots of US army material and is worth looking into.

  • @darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
    71 year ago

    Don’t participate then. Don’t side with the forces of capital and reaction and I guess if you don’t want to die don’t side with the revolution either. Just hide in your home, ignore politics or move out to the woods.

    The fact is people will die in any meaningful revolution, many good revolutionaries, many comrades will lose their lives to bring progress. Truth be told many non-participants will too just as inevitable accidental deaths from fighting, stray munitions and so on. In the imperial core especially I expect decades of terrorist attacks, bombings, biological, chemical, maybe even nuclear terror to try and break the will of people, to punish and avenge by fascist sleeper cells.

    All humans die eventually. It is our fate. We are on this coil for 60 to maybe on the outside 100 years of life at best then we’re gone. Historically humans died for many horrible reasons, diseases we can now cure, pointless wars for land and capital, in child-birth, from random defects present at birth or arising from natural bodily processes. Many of them died very young, having lived hard lives knowing only ignorance, superstition. How privileged in that respect we are that if we die, we knew Marxism, we knew materialism, we knew the wonders humans are capable of achieving. That we die with hope not fear.

    • The fact is people will die in any meaningful revolution, many good revolutionaries, many comrades will lose their lives to bring progress. Truth be told many non-participants will too just as inevitable accidental deaths from fighting, stray munitions and so on.

      I know. The fact I know this is why I am asking. I want to be able to have the bragging rights from participating in revolution and being one of the survivors.

      • commiespammer
        21 year ago

        try to get a position as a logistics officer or something where you won’t be on the front lines.

    • ButtigiegMineralMap
      121 year ago

      Dying for the Revolution is admirable but not when it’s avoidable, like Lenin said, Learn to Retreat properly and orderly so you can do more damage to the bourgeoisie than one simple battle.

  • Red Phoenix
    1 year ago

    Learn how to survive and practice what you learn. The key to surviving is proper training. Learn how to not be a target and then don’t be a target. Learn how not to become a victim and then train and live so as to survive and not become a victim. Always be aware of your surroundings and be willing to fight and escape like your life depends on it because it literally does.
