It is scammy, they keep stealing credit card information and keep sending bizarre wrong orders, or they just sell fake goods and tell you to shove it when they arrive. Imagine a Wish .com but even more evil.
To each their own. I wouldn’t take the risk after my coworker had 2,000 drained from his account, and it took support 6 months to help him. He had to essentially have his bank force temu into any sort of action.
It is scammy, they keep stealing credit card information and keep sending bizarre wrong orders, or they just sell fake goods and tell you to shove it when they arrive. Imagine a Wish .com but even more evil.
Do not use Temu.
Works fine for me, been using it for a few months and nothing happened.
To each their own. I wouldn’t take the risk after my coworker had 2,000 drained from his account, and it took support 6 months to help him. He had to essentially have his bank force temu into any sort of action.