Except chocolate covered sugar bombs, which is miniaturized dessert.
Futurama called it “Bachelor Chow”.
I just said that to a comment above this before I saw your comment 😂
Except for Frosted Shredded Mini Wheats, which are glorified food pallets.
Pallets are surely full-sized shredded wheat. Or Quaker Muffets, which seem to be discontinued? :(
Quaker Muffets
Never heard of these, name made my stoned ass giggle, looked it up, they look like they’re basically a round weetabix, and definitely belong in the food pellet category lol
Mmmmm. Bails of fried spider legs, lightly sugared. What’s not to love?
Eating one dry is what I imagine biting a vacuum cleaner bag must feel like
I’ve always thought of microwave burritos as food pellets and cereal as human kibble. But that’s just me.
Bachelor Chow!
deleted by creator
Is that supposed to make me want it less?
As a child i thought it’s pretty wild that we can have dessert for breakfast. I didn’t eat cornflakes during my adult life and foe some reason i bought these cornflakes that look like little cookies and holy shit that’s exactly what they are. I couldn’t eat them they were so sweet i felt like i was eating weaponized diabetes
If I want sugary carbs for breakfast I’ll just eat cake.
I stopped eating cereal years ago. Try the atkins diet sometime it is very eye opening.
But I swear Watterson was parodying Cookie Crisp cereal. My mind always went to that when he mentioned the sugar bombs. Yes, You CAN have cookies for breakfast.
Try the atkins diet sometime
We call that keto these days.
I think “keto” encompasses atkins but is just “low carb” in general. If you get the book, atkins has many guidelines, levels, etc.
So, very similar, lots of overlap but not the same.
Atkins was named after a man. Keto is the more accurate and clinical word for the same concept which is ketosis, the metabolic state your body goes into when you eat nothing but meat.
We will have to agree to disagree. This is not worth arguing about.
it’s been 30+ years since I’ve tried cookie crisp cereal but I’ll never forget. Anyone who’s expecting a cookie experience from this cereal is gonna be severely disappointed.
I never knew there were different flavors. Vanilla?!?
And it has probably been that long since I’ve had it too. Can you still buy it?
It was a BIG deal when my parents let us kids buy a “sugar” cereal. Cookie crisp was my choice and I only remember buying it once.
yeah all I recall it was more crisp than cookie, leaving abrasions on the roof of the mouth, and some gross synthetic sweetening that leaves a weird metallic aftertaste. and for those who have a sweet tooth, they’re still gonna be disappointed because on a scale of 1 to 10, the sweetness of the cereal is about a 2.
Yeah, that crisp was the worst. I remember captain crunch actually made my mouth bleed. A literally bloddy breakfast. W.T.F.
That must be the food shellac mentioned in the Vacation movie…
mmmmMmmMmmm glorified food pellets
Might as well eat ice cream for breakfast.