"During the 1930s, many communists and socialists from Germany and Austria sought refuge from the Nazis in the USSR. But in a shocking betrayal, the Soviet secret police handed over hundreds of them to Hitler’s Gestapo… https://jacobinmag.com/2021/08/hitler-stalin-pact-nazis-communist-deportation-soviet
The issue is power itself. If “cop like people” are needed at all, they should be restricted in the power to the degree that they wouldn’t be recognizable as cops to anyone living in a modern state, (ie not having firearms, not having authority to arrest, etc).
Regardless of your opinion on the issue, cops being “unreformable”, and an institution that’s inherently shitty, is the anarchist position, and the basis behind the sentiment expressed in ACAB. Which is why its shitty to read cop apologist/bootlikers in sublemmies like that.