shalom and hello to all my dear and beloved comrades .❤

This is a question for german speaking comrades.

I have a question about the different and similarities between yiddish and german languages .

vi enlekh zenen di beyde shprakhn ?

(How similar are the two languages?)

es iz kampatabal mit daytsh shprakh ?

(Is it compatible with German language?)

aoyb a ashkhnzisher id redt tsu dir aoyf eydish ken ir das farshteyn ?

(if a Ashkenazi Jew speaks to you in yiddish can you understand it ?)

    2 years ago

    I agree with the above reply. It’s probably very similar to the situation with Dutch and German where both sides can understand the other fairly well when written, but one side has an easier time understanding the spoken than the other, in this case Dutch speakers are easier able to learn to understand spoken German than vice versa. If you want to get an impression of how similar Yiddish and German are all you need to do is try reading some German texts, so long as you understand how the pronunciation works you should be able to find the parallels quite easily.