• @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      61 year ago

      grand but mysterious history

      Whenever I hear about a “mysterious tribe” or “mysterious Indigenous city” in Western media, I don’t think it’s mystical or cool or anything. I’m disgusted, because it’s probably “mysterious” because the white man destroyed without care for human life or culture.

  • I did heard of it actually, though through weird source: Angus Watson books:

    • You Die When You Die (2017)
    • The Land You Never Leave (2018)
    • Where Gods Fear to Go (2019)

    Kinda figures that precolumbian history of America is sooner explored by British fantasy writer than anyone in USA besides maybe niche archeologists publications (iirc even Watson complained about this and that he had to write vikings in it to draw readers attention).

  • @Paesano@lemmygrad.ml
    21 year ago

    I went to the Cahokia Mounds for a middle school field trip. They have a lot of interesting things on display. I recommend visiting if you have the chance.