Remember, only give cash if you can, and split up the tip into smaller bills. That lets the worker hide the majority of the tip so they can take home the tax free cash, while preventing a boss from “taking some off the top”.
Agreed. Abolishing tipping is not about you not tipping, it’s about everyone not tipping once and only once service workers are already being ethically compensated for their work.
Tipping is morally wrong but I still tip. Right now cutting off a tip only hurts the workers.
Remember, only give cash if you can, and split up the tip into smaller bills. That lets the worker hide the majority of the tip so they can take home the tax free cash, while preventing a boss from “taking some off the top”.
Agreed. Abolishing tipping is not about you not tipping, it’s about everyone not tipping once and only once service workers are already being ethically compensated for their work.