Along with Palestinian territories, there are still tens of islands over the North and South America and Caribbean, Pacific, Oceania etc and even a few cities and territories in Africa that are still in possession of the European colonialists that haven’t been returned to their countries or gotten independence like Barbados did recently. Northern Ireland, British overseas islands, Falklands and Gibraltar come to my mind first, then Spanish islands, Ceuta and Melilla, Netherlands islands and Greenland, Hawaii and Puerto Rico etc.

These need to be freed from the colonialization, Palestine needs it’s land back from the zionists, Ireland needs to unite, Falklands need to be returned to Argentina, Ceuta and Melilla need to be returned to Morocco along with islands close to the bank of Atlantic, Greenland, Hawaii and Puerto Rico need independence along with majority of other islands overseas!

Does anyone know when and how will any of this happen and colonization be over once and for all?

    2 years ago

    i think it’s important to note that most western nations have colonized their own territories first, before occupation of islands or other lands. even if the USA hadn’t occupied a single island or country, itself is a nation that claims its legitimacy on occupying the stolen land of many hundreds of sovereign tribes and nations. the wealth that Amerika accrued since the beginning of its formation has been from the colonial extraction of carefully managed resources and environment that had been developed for thousands of years prior to their occupation.

    colonization is most obvious in settler-colonial states like the US because their nation’s foundation was based on colonization. but many, if not all, European nations at one point were colonized. indigenous cultures have been colonized by various empires and the nations which claim the national identity of its people well before the colonial era. their rights are often subordinate to not just their colonial oppressors but often even to the nation’s formal colonial territories. we see this with the Japanese and the Ainu, Finland with the Sami, Britain with the Celts, and so on.