Zionism in action.

  • Infamousblt [any]
    97 months ago

    Libs will say things like “Isreal asked them to move so it’s not genocide!!” which is basically exactly what many of them say about what happened in the US when the US “asked” the people who were already here to “move”.

    • unfinished | 🇵🇸OP
      47 months ago

      their mods: 🤡🤡🤡

      At least here the worst I’ve seen is the “both sides” bs

    • @Facebones@reddthat.com
      17 months ago

      Lemmy.world gave me an instance ban for pointing to a fellow mod advocating for literal nazi policies and violence, asking for his removal. No anger, no rhetoric, just “here’s a link to this guy calling for violence and fascism, can we remove him?”

  • @dasgoat@lemmy.world
    47 months ago

    The ICC has broader definitions than this one, among which is the forceful displacement of a large and explicitly targeted group of people. Which this is, and that’s disregarding the intense amounts of violence the Israelis are subjecting the Gazans to.

  • @callouscomic@lemm.ee
    -17 months ago

    The deliberate and systematic destruction of a … political … group

    So the US GOP is trying to genocide themselves?

  • 🦄🦄🦄
    -67 months ago

    Sooo are you one of the people who will then in the same breath deny that this is also the goal of Hamas?

    • unfinished | 🇵🇸OP
      127 months ago

      Actually, yes. Throw the word “terrorist” around as much and as ignorantly as you want, but the extremism of groups like Hamas has its roots in the decades of zionism running rampant and killing thousands of their people every year.

      • 🦄🦄🦄
        7 months ago

        Yep, there it is :D Can you do me a favor please and go back LARPing in /pol/?

        • QueerCommie
          57 months ago

          Lol, you have no idea who you’re talking to, do you. It’s funny how libs’ only argument against leftists is “actually, you’re just like the guy over there [who’s on the opposite side of the political spectrum and has almost no views in common.]

    • Sonori
      77 months ago

      No one (sane) is defending the Hamas, merely noting that when your counter terror operation has managed to kill more innocents than the terrorists maybe you should stop and rethink your operation a little bit. If some people break into your house and hold you at gunpoint while they fire a rpg that gets shot down by an active defense system, i don’t think that you’ll be very happy the the governments only response is to blow up your house a half hour after they’ve left.

    • @callouscomic@lemm.ee
      -37 months ago

      Clearly both sides want the other wholly and completely gone. That is, the extremist leaders. I’m sure the viewpoints across the general public varies wildly on both sides and is fed by their own internal propaganda.

      My question is, why do any of us outside that region care? If you are not from that region, or do not have some kind of ties to that region, then why should anyone care so much what they do to each other? And I don’t care about religion. “Oh its a religious area so Christians care or something.” That doesn’t justify meddling over there.

      • Rayston
        77 months ago

        I care about all the people everywhere at all times.

        Peoples humanity and worthiness to continue existing does not decrease in inverse proportion to their proximity to me.

        • @callouscomic@lemm.ee
          -17 months ago

          It’s exhausting to be concerned about suffering. It’s literally happening everywhere all the time for so many things. There’s an endless stream of bad news where people are suffering and those in charge aren’t really doing anything at all.

      • 🦄🦄🦄
        67 months ago

        My question is, why do any of us outside that region care?

        Hmmm maaaybe it’s because of the immeasurable amount of human suffering amongst the civilians in that region? What the fuck kind of question is that??

          • @callouscomic@lemm.ee
            -17 months ago

            Uh huh. So why THIS specific conflict? I never saw this much rage and posting and commentary for other issues of suffering like the Uyhgurs or however it’s spelled. And this isn’t what about ism. We could bring up what’s gone on with South Sudan for a long time as well. Or we can bring up significant local issues for various commenters.

            It sure seems people at large cared about Ukraine because they’re mostly Caucasian and feel like a “western” country. People mostly care about this Israel Hamas issue it seems for religious reasons or to take a political stance (which is indirectly deeply rooted in religion).

            I have empathy and sympathy for many things that dont directly impact me. I don’t have to for literally everything. Not being sure if I care about THIS conflict, or being skeptical at the extreme coverage it gets, doesn’t mean I’m devoid of give a shit.

            • QueerCommie
              17 months ago

              This specific conflict because it’s about a colonized people liberating themselves from a highly geo-strategically important fascist regime. This conflict isn’t about religion. It’s about colonialism. I’m agnostic and many Palestinians are Jewish or Christian. Most of the Zionists are secular and don’t even care about the Torah, they just want to colonize. There are also many Jews who oppose “Israel.” I care about this conflict because “Israel is doing collective punishment by indescriminately killing civilians and the fall of this apartheid entity would be a major blow to the US empire.