Phone, tablet, and IoT gadget makers will have to state when they’ll stop providing security updates for new devices entering the market, the UK’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) vowed this morning.

Today’s pledge would see existing plans for internet-connected tat extended to smartphones and tablets, which is a large step for a scheme originally put together for landfill Internet-of-Things devices such as webcams.

The plans are likely to meet stiff opposition from device makers as end-of-life dates for devices are usually an open secret among the tech-savvy but stating them at the launch of a brand new bit of hardware is unlikely to be popular with manufacturers’ marketing teams.


#technology #mobile #landfills #security

  • rootinit
    3 years ago

    We have fundamental differences in the role of government. This is why I will get downvoted to hell here.

    • jazzfes
      3 years ago

      I feel the attitude towards the role of government should be pragmatic. I.e. government sometimes feeds itself, sometimes feeds corporations and sometimes feeds the people. In this specific example I would argue that the initiative is good for the population at large and hence something we should support. Where gov’s action feed itself or corporate, that’s an entirely different question and would warrant (from my POV) a different response.

      In this specific case, I just don’t see the downside. It’s addressing corporate malpractice.

      PS: no downvotes from me