It is starting to reach freezing temps here and my bedroom is a nice and cozy 12 degrees C right now. My gf and I look like the grandparents in Charlie and the chocolate factory because we lay on the couch under blankets the whole evening. But my heating is still off.
I pay 66 euro’s a month right now but my energy supplier suggests upping it to 192 euro’s a month, or pay a 350 euro end bill. I choose the end bill in the hope that shit will calm down soon because the amount is doable right now. Several of my coworkers pay 2-4000 euro’s for their end bill though. Needless to say, they can’t afford it.
How about you guys? Got any tips to heat the house without turning the heating on?
I leave the bed/bathroom window open until 19.00h. Got a heater in the basement which I can use. If things get worse I will turn on heating in the bathroom. Won’t be an easy winter but I will manage.