• @NotAGinger@lemmygrad.ml
    33 years ago

    “However, no amount of education and information will make green methods of cooling and heating truly economically feasible to working class homeowners who are already strapped. For example, this would require stripping all natural-gas furnaces in homes and replacing them with renewable-powered electric floorboards.”

    Are there working class homeowners in the first world? Everywhere I have lived the people who own homes are either investors, managers, or otherwise people I don’t consider working class because they are built on top of the actual means of production or the people who power production.

    " Landlords really have no incentive to upgrade their properties to have green energy systems because, as even Gates himself admits, “they pass the energy bills on to their tenants” [12]"

    I never thought of it this way. Every place I have rented the utilities were in my name because I am the one using the energy/water/producing garbage. Is it common for landlords to retain utilities in their name and bill the tenant or was this a way to say that landlords don’t want to spend money if it doesn’t save or earn them money?

    “socialism provides the necessary foundations to fund even more R&D than currently exists.”

    What does this really mean? In a marxist state, is r&d really funded or more mandated? I know that some researchers do the work mostly to do well for the world, but many have personal motives that would make it impossible for them to work without security and other support infrastructure. During a transition period, it may be very difficult to perform many types of work due to uncertainty until the support is firmed up in the new hands.

    I also have some level of concern for the tenant/employee takeover of residential and industrial world as there would definitely be things for them to look out for- particularly interference from nearby persons who use force or other means to claim property and/or the means of production for themselves.