well I want to know how to make a good radio module/antenna… so I can put it on a portable device that random people may be incentivized to carry.
The internet would be fine, it’s the web that would be destroyed.
They could just throttle any IP that isn’t on their list.
That’s not much of a problem if someone can get a bunch of decentralized infrastructure up that would allow peer-to-peer connections, but obviously anyone who does that isn’t going to get any funding from the bourgeois who want to control where and how users connect so they can impose restrictions and data collection.
That’s what I want, just need to try and do the work and see where it goes.
I’ve wanted to set up public, free infrastructure for p2p connections for a long time, but unfortunately, I don’t have enough money.
I don’t either, I just try to do my part anyways…
so I’m gonna try to make a module and stuff, anyone else doing this here?
well I want to know how to make a good radio module/antenna… so I can put it on a portable device that random people may be incentivized to carry.
They could just throttle any IP that isn’t on their list.
That’s what I want, just need to try and do the work and see where it goes.
I don’t either, I just try to do my part anyways…
so I’m gonna try to make a module and stuff, anyone else doing this here?