Marcus Garvey… Ho Chi Mihn… George Habash and Bashar Al-Assad. Vladamir Lenin… thomas Sankara. Malcolm X. Huey Newton. Xi Jinping and Chairman Mao… Joseph Stalin. John Brown. Che Guevara. Fidel Castro. Tecumseh. Arthur Griffith. Michael Collins. Erik Honecker. And Josip Tito. Long live. Will live. Lives forever.
Inspired by a very terrible song.
Arthur Griffith was a royalist, Michael Collins cut a deal with Churchill to establish a free state for Irish bourgeoisie and bombed the Republican rebels with British army loaned artillery. Mind you Stalin cut a deal which meant the betrayal of Greek, Korean and Vietnamese communists and Mao bombed the Vietnamese and cut a deal with Nixon so I guess its good company. Opportunist Stalinism not principalled Leninism.