
I got some shit to work through that I meant to work through for a while and I’m doing all the usual stuff to process it, but I really feel like expressing my thoughts and feelings in some kind of creative way, I just don’t really know what and how.

Some years ago I used to draw and that helped a bit, but I could never draw from my head so only really re-drew pictures/drawings. That’s not really what I’m looking for atm tho. I used to write creatively many years ago and I’d love to do it now, but I just don’t know what and how. Can’t think of anything the moment I open a page.

Any suggestions how to start? What to start?

What are yous doing? Anything that helped you? How did you get started?


  • DankZedong
    2 years ago

    Find a jar that you can lock airtight and go to your nearest pond/lake/whatever has water and plants.

    Fill it with some water and some sand from the bottom, leave a small air bubble on the top of the jar.

    Find some plants in the water, either floating or stuck in the bottom, and put them in the jar.

    Wait for a few days so that everything in it can settle. Don’t forget to seal the jar.

    You now have your own ecosystem that will evolve over time.

    Maybe not that creative but really therapeutic and interesting.

    This channel does good vids on them.