I really hope that the author is actually using good sources (because they didn’t list any) for the claim that “North Korea abducted Yokota!”; because I highly doubt the DPRK even cares about her; unless if bourgeois spies were involved.

There is way too much anti-Korean discrimination as it.

I have a feeling that it was a bourgeois spy imitating a DPRK spy to cause unnecessary trouble.


Thinking about this through; it’s suspicious that the Republic of Korea, and the allied nations, seem to be quite silent on the matter, like as if they are hiding something about the case. They may just want the DPRK to talk, as a red herring.

  • Assuming the information from the video is correct, the spy had been brought to RoK, which is strange, as the DPRK likely has their own courts and would have put the spy in them for terrorist acts.

In contrast to the DPRK, the RoK has been known to conduct kidnappings of foreign citizens under the guise of traveling to the DPRK.

I wouldn’t be surprised if RoK or the U.S had their agents in the DPRK to conduct terrorism falsely attributed to the DPRK.