2014? Sprint? Tweet?
Damn we’re getting old. Yes, you too 🫠
I used to be with “it.” Now, what I’m with isn’t “it” and what’s “it” seems weird and scary to me.
(points) It’ll happen to you.
Is Sprint not still a thing?
Fucking ancient memes over here.
Well this is true if you consider the fact that girls kissing makes my PP hard
I think for april fools or something porn sites should move all the lesbian porn from the straight section to gay. The reactions would be funny. And would make slightly more sense than having it in straight.
And if you search "lesbian porn it comes back with:
0 results found. Did you mean gay porn? (Tip: to view all Female-on-female porn, please search ‘gay porn’)
I’m not one who likes censorship and hate the thought of my ISP dictacting what I do online, but I’d be down if they blocked all porn
I’m not one who likes censorship and hate the thought of my ISP dictacting what I do online, but I’d be down if they
blocked all porncensored my content and dictated what I do onlineLol
As long as it doesn’t bother you you’ll be fine with anything.
Am I close to the truth there?
No but I ready do this and it just would make it easier on me is all
Because porn is a plauge on the internet that destroys relationships and should be blotted out like the rest of the scummy things on the internet.
Should they then also throw people in mental asylums and condition them not to imagine naked people then because you think porn is bad
Absolutely not and you’re making analogies that don’t even compare. But when is porn ever beneficial? It gets people who watch it dopamine hits, and too much has negative health affects. If anything, it could be argied as a precursor to mental illness. Not to mention erectile dysfunction. It also really affects relationships negatively. Why do you think do many marriages end in divorce? And then look at the actresses/actors. Do you think they can get a normal job? As far as I can see, it hurts people instead of help. Yes it just feeds into peoples passions in a negative way. Thus, porn is evil.
That is what you believe from your own perspective because you choose to see the negative side of things regarding this topic
As for why you see the negative side I don’t know but I ask that you look at the positive side of this topic as well just as long as you don’t start seeing the positive side to intolerance and bigotry in other topics
r/nofap on reddit was a community on reddit that very much only saw a negative perspective on porn and masturbation
Please enlighten me, what is positive about porn?
It gets people who watch it dopamine hits, and too much has negative health affects.
So you’re in favor of banning all sugar, sodas, sweets, donuts, hamburgers, hot dogs, BBQ, pizza etc, right?
Wasn’t those banned in public schools during Obama? And for the matter, yes. Especially in schools
I’m not one who likes censorship and hate the thought of my ISP dictacting what I do online, but I’d be down if they blocked all porn
Mask off in a single comment, that’s a record, it usually takes you guys a least two.
What do you mean you people moment
I thought it was fairly obvious that I meant regressives.
Unless you thought I meant “people with no reading comprehension”?
Lol chill it was a joke. You people really need to chill. 😂
What do you mean you people moment
deleted by creator
But I’m serious, porn is awful and should be banned
So you do like censorship.
Why did you claim otherwise?
So by that logic, you’re all for child pornography, custom snuff videos to purchase, buying drugs online. Since otherwise, its censorship and you’re totally not for censorship are you? There’s gt to be a line drawn, morally, and porn is mine.
So you like censorship
There’s certain morals that we as a society have been dipping. To me, porn is morally wrong. That’s where Idrawn a line for myself. Others, they might only draw the line at drug use, murder, child porn, ect.
Let’s see… UN Declaration of Human Rights Article 19, Article 27.1 and maybe Article 12. I think we should not cheer something so immoral, that even governments are not allowed to do.
Article 19:
…this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 27.1:
Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
Atricle 12:
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
You do know this is a meme, right?
You do know that people in earlier posts that say similar thing are massively downvoted, right?
It’s a joke. Lighten up.
acktually we live in a post joke society. Everything is serious
I wish you weren’t right. Sigh.
I love the part of this meme that trolls hypocritical bigots. I hate the part of this meme that bows to corporate overlords monitoring and controlling content.
So I neither upvote nor downvote.
not even governments are allowed to do
Just because they aren’t allowed doesn’t mean they follow the rules.
I’ve watched governments break loads of laws and rules they created, just because fu we need to make a change right here right now.
As if any of those rights are respected and upheld, or even feasible to do so. Not to mention how they can be mutually exclusive.
And lastly sometimes it’s fun to poke fun at bigots who are responsible for the suffering of a lot of people. (Not actually advocating for ISPs or governments spying and censoring shit but they do it already anyways)
I don’t think we should joke about compromising net neutrality to dunk on idiots… feels more like a self-dunk
edit: sorry i was in a bad mood yesterday
This post is not about net neutrality, but about hypocrisy.
It’s double hypocrisy. You can’t shut on people wanting to control other people’s actions by threatening to control their actions. I guess you can but I hate you equally at that point. I’m just a little too anarchist for this shit.
thanks for explaining
edit: sorry i was in a bad mood yesterday
Being attracted to something while at the same time saying it’s bad isn’t (necessarily) hypocritical.
Take for example a pedophile who says child abuse is bad. Would you call it hypocritical for them to claim child abuse is bad while at the same time being attracted to csam?
And yet, that’s the joke.
This guy is fun at parties!
Someone pro-LGBT and pro-net neutrality unironically is a good start to being fun at parties.
good one
edit: sorry i was in a bad mood yesterday