Excellent documentary on farmed and wild-caught fish regarding the effects of pollution, contamination, industrialisation, fraud, corruption, etc.
Focuses mostly on human health issues, but touches on the relevant environmental and other issues too.
TL;DW: Don’t consume farmed fish. Don’t consume big fish. Eat small fish.
Alternative links: https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=RYYf8cLUV5E
To be fair, there is promise in sustainable aquaculture, in the same way sustainable agriculture is possible. Unfortunately indifference/greed/capitalism doesn’t seem to favour responsible aquaculture practices.
Land-based aquaculture using azolla as feed: https://theazollafoundation.org/azollas-uses/as-a-livestock-feed/
Mussel (and some other shellfish) aquaculture: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/mar/05/can-mussel-farming-restore-the-uks-damaged-coastline-aoe