• @nik282000
    278 months ago

    Maybe we should only elect people who are under 50 from now on.

    • @cecinestpasunbot
      78 months ago

      Biden has casually lied like this throughout his political career. It’s nothing new.

    • @CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
      8 months ago

      I’m reminded of Gorbachev, who became leader of the USSR in part because the last few guys were ancient and died after a couple years, people were tired of it, and he was the youngest plausible option.

  • queermunist she/her
    88 months ago

    Is it a lie when grandpa absolutely believes what he’s saying? It’s not like he knows fact from feel anymore.

  • @heavyboots
    8 months ago

    As much as I hate this and want it not to be true, it sure as hell looks true to me.


    I mean, I dislike Biden pretty intensely but whatever alternative the Republicans are going to field is basically going to be using The Handmaid’s Tale as a how-to guide, so I’ll still be voting for him alas.

    We desperately need ranked voted for all elections, and we need it yesterday so we can start to get away from this stupid 2 party system where everyone can only vote for the guy they think might win the final election rather than being able to rank the candidates by who they like the most with “the guy that can win” as a safety backup to who they like the most so their vote isn’t thrown away.

      • Madison_rogue
        28 months ago

        The next day, nine days later…JHC within the microcosm of things it’s a gaffe. Something Biden is known to do, and based on his dyslexia it’s entirely possible he misread a teleprompter.

        Mountain, meet molehill. Point is, Biden did visit Ground Zero. Whether it was the next day or the next week, he still did it.