Starvation-threatened Africans are being encouraged to eat insects by a UK aid initiative.

African caterpillars, migratory locusts and black soldier flies are on the menu under the initiative taking place in Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo - but locals are rejecting the offer due to the taste and cultural norms.

Dr Alberto Fiore, the project lead who has whipped up a dish of locally farmed mopane worms, cereals, and fruits, has also created a insect-based porridge containing grains including sorghum and millets, which he reassured the Guardian is palatable.

  • cult
    2 years ago

    I just want to add to what you’re saying that no one here is grossed out by other people eating bugs. The western elitest bubble that think they know best is trying to tell Africans to eat bugs. If they wanted to eat the bugs they would have already been eating the bugs and no one here would have a problem with it.

    We are in agreement on this point and I’ve never tried to argue against it. The only problem I have with this comment section and the whole framing of this thread is the framing of entomophagy as something “yucky and gross”. In Thailand, people prepare and eat cockroaches. There was at least one comment in this thread presenting the very idea of eating cockroaches as a self-explanatory insult. Which, to me, is the real “yucky and gross” thing