As suggested here, this is a thread for Korean language learners to share ressources, experiences, or ask questions.

I’m not sure how much activity this thread will get; if this thread sees more activity, I will adjust the frequency to be bi-weekly or weekly.

(next thread)

    2 years ago

    I’m going to a class in about 4 hours held by the local Korean church in my area. If anyone is interested I will post an update of how it went!

    edit: It went well. Only one other adult learner in my class. Was kind of awkward when asked why we were learning Korean and he said he liked the culture music and shows, and I said that “tensions are obviously rising with the north and south and the U.S. and I want to do everything I can to promote peace between the nations and fulfill whatever role I can as an American in aiding with peaceful reunification in the future, and I don’t feel like I can claim to truly know anything without understanding the language first”. Got some gapes and “wows” at that statement, but I think they just didn’t expect someone with (even limited) knowledge of actual Korean politics and history to be showing out at their beginner adult class lol. Mostly went over pronunciation and they were impressed w/ both of us, rehashed the alphabet but sped thru it as we both have studied it extensively. Next week we’ll begin with vocab. Very excited. My only real current hangup currently is on proper pronunciation of 으 as there’s not a real easy cognate in English pronunciation. Also discussed cultural differences, like not using first names, etc. It’s rude to ask a person their age in Amerika but it’s basically a must when speaking with Koreans so you don’t wind up being disrespectful to an elder, stuff like that.