Making things worse in the short term in the hope of bringing about a utopian society in the long term through social tension and misery… that sounds like a pretty evil philosophy to me. Ordinary people (non-communists) don’t care about some theoretical utopia, they want improvements to their quality of life now.

Am I missing something?

  • wraptile
    4 years ago

    Nice wall of text but you didn’t really say much.

    It is not simply a spontaneous process, but a struggle, it is a process connected with the clash of classes

    This is not disagreeing with accelerationism which never implied any sort spontaneous change. Accelerationism agrees that there will be struggle and one should empower this struggle of powers rather than constantly patch it for “good enough” scenarios.

    Yes, you are right when you say that the old social system is breaking down; but it is not breaking down of its own accord

    Every system is breaking down on “it’s own accord”. There isn’t a permanent system in our universe, even universal constants are being disputed and as far as we know it everything will eventually end because of entropy. Sure comparing cosmic rules to societal change is a bit silly but it’s a factual observation — all systems fail and will fail and should be allowed to fail.

    take Fascism for example.

    Now that’s just irrelevant appeal to emotion.

    Finally accelerationism never implies that it’s progression with the least discomfort — instead it’s the most efficient progression for intellectual systems. Only by embracing the system we can make it’s flaws apparent so we can improve ourselves and keep moving forward.

      • wraptile
        4 years ago

        When capitalism starts to fall apart, the Fascists come out to hold it together by weaponizing terror against all who threaten the ruling class. We need revolutionary organs of power if we want to overthrow it. If we just wait by for capitalism to drive us to economic collapse, many will die for no reason. Social systems are replaced by violence, and just waiting for capitalism to fall like a dead tree is historically unprecedented.

        You make so many naive and unfounded assumptions. Why do assume that collapse of capitalism will be somehow violent and chaotic? Why couldn’t it be graceful?

        I think you have way to many biases to even consider alternative philosophies to the ones you’re subscribed to right now. In other words, you’re still a camel.