Look… Im just gonna say it. America is nominally fascist in every way that matters.

We all knew it was gonna be like this. We saw this coming.

So why am I still surprised? Am I surprised because of how it’s going down?

And out of the woodwork is America’s FREAKS.

And Im begging, WISHING that those who are a stunned as me just start advocating for balkinization.

Instead. You got these unflinching freaks and everyone else thinks they can reason and debate their way out of this mess with these people.

Sigh… get things to defend yourself with. 🤦 The things that are going down are not done by misled people. Their minds were made up decades ago and rationale and reason and respectable or even disrespectful bloodsport debate doesn’t matter. They picked their side. 😒

I know Im just preaching to the choir. But what is jokerfying the most is how desperately the people who should be taking the fight to undemocratic fascist bastards are playing by the rule books of respectable democracy as if it was REASON itself that has yet to be revealed to their opponents.

  • Ratette (she/her)
    122 years ago

    I think we are conditioned not to believe in societal collapse. That the nazis could never happen again and that whatever bending to fascism that happens, modern life will not fundamentally change because sense and reason will prevail.

    That’s the big hand wave by governments in the west and we know its a lie.

    I’m the same, none of this should surprise me. By all metrics capitalism is flagging and its reacting to maintain control. That’s literally fascism right? But here I am stunned every day by the corruption and degradation of the world around me. The subtle erasure of rights to benefit capital.

    It sucks comrade. It really sucks.

    • @GloriousDoubleK@lemmygrad.mlOP
      102 years ago

      Oh yeah. It’s weird being Cassandra and knowing full damn well it would come to this, knowing that it IS like this for many before we saw it in real time.

      But… Here I am. Shocked and basically in a fog of stun.

  • @sudojonz@lemmygrad.ml
    72 years ago

    Speaking from a slightly different angle, I tend to think of the U.S. (the state, the government, and unfortunately most of the citizens as well) as a hive of narcissists exhibiting traits of substance addiction. Having dealt closely with several people of various cultures who are either or both narcissists and addicts, it really does fit the bill. If you don’t know what I mean by that, I recommend looking up the symptoms/traits of both of these conditions and you will see what I mean.

    There is no reasoning with them, there is nothing you can personally do except disengage with these types of people/entities so as not to enable them further. They will never play by the rules (even the rules that they declare and demand) and they will never treat you as an equal but instead as “supply”. Therefore, in the meantime you should prepare and protect your self and your chosen family of comrades as the shitstorm approaches. Hugs to all of you, I hope we can live to see brighter days.

  • Amicese
    1 year ago

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