Liberal logic 1: support capitalism because it is supposedly a meritocratic system where people gain success according to their labor.
Liberal logic 2: support plutocratic wealth distribution because the Capitalist class need to gain more reward from their properties on the assumption that the ownership of the properties themselves cannot provide enough reward to the Capitalists.
Liberal logic 3: use state military to massacre any workers who demand meritocracy because the Capitalist system should depend on the wealth of the Capitalist class insead of the labor of the working class.
Liberal logic 1: support capitalism because it is supposedly a meritocratic system where people gain success according to their labor.
Liberal logic 2: support plutocratic wealth distribution because the Capitalist class need to gain more reward from their properties on the assumption that the ownership of the properties themselves cannot provide enough reward to the Capitalists.
Liberal logic 3: use state military to massacre any workers who demand meritocracy because the Capitalist system should depend on the wealth of the Capitalist class insead of the labor of the working class.