• iriyan
    1 year ago

    Before we solve the problem of insulin production we need to solve more important problems, amongst us, such as “required economical organization”. As far as we think as capitalists the only social organization will be economical, to which Marxists agree with capitalists 100%.

    There are 2 categories of social relations, exchange relations and collective relations. If you are planning to have society organized as a market you concentrate in advancing exchange relations, if you are thinking of living in a commune you try to avoid all forms of exchange and build collective relations.

    How will production be organized in a community or a commune will be an issue for that entity to decide and come up with a solution. Sometimes problems are more universal and global in nature so more communities will need to collaborate for a single solution, but let us allow them to decide on this. If we keep thinking as the polit-bureau of a party, concentrating authority and decision making in a small group of experts, then there will be ONE correct solution and all others will be violations of the central committee and the general secretary’s announcement.

    We should concentrate in what our community defines as a problem and try to come up for the best proposal for “ourselves”. We decide on our own for ourselves utilizing the libertarian tools of social organization we have come to know for the past 150years. If we will have an economy it will be the outcome of those decisions relating to our communal production and consumption, abilities and needs. Any form of exchange will be grounds for manipulation and oppression of humans by humans. I was under the impression we have rejected such practices.