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I see ADHD meds constantly being prescribed to people that fit ADHD symptoms; but neurotransmitter levels usually aren’t checked prior, which could cause some issues in development. Capitalism is a parasite that values profit over people, so it is unsurprising to find that some people fit ADHD symptoms because the brutality of capitalism exhausted them.

Artificially inserting neurotransmitters into children can affect their development; health issues could appear as a result.

  • aedalla
    2 years ago

    So there’s the serenity prayer right?

    May I have: the strength to change the things I can, the grace to accept the things I can’t, and the wisdom to know the difference.

    (I usually tell people the secular version because otherwise sometimes the wisdom is lost on those who have been profoundly hurt by religion) But there’s another layer there.

    There are things I can change but not without a lot of help and/or a lot of time. Capitalism fits that description quite well; I’m one person, and it’s going to take everyone working together for a long time to change things.

    In the meantime I and numerous others need to be able to keep up well enough to a) not die or become severely disabled b) have the energy to contribute to bringing down capitalism.

    You don’t have to agree with the game to play it for a little while. And for a lot of us playing that game does mean drugs. I hate it but that’s my truth lol.

    But also, yes. The increased need for psychiatric medications across the board for as many people as we’re seeing is definitely indicative of a larger social problem that many people don’t want to admit.

    “There’s always going to be disabled people!” Yeah but right now they’re intentionally disabling people to keep the system running, lol.